Page : Budget Transfer
Location : Admin Office - Budget Transfer

General Description - From this page you may allocate any excess funds over $2 million into one of three departments: players, prospects, or coaches. You may only transfer funds after the arbitration hearings have completed. All transferred amounts will be forfeited at a rate of 50 cents on the dollar. You must maintain at least $6 million dollars in your prospect budget in order to fill your rookie league roster unless that money has already been allocated in signing bonuses for international prospects or amateur draftees or until you've signed at least 15 players from the current season's draft. Once the coach hiring process has been completed you may not transfer funds to coaches. Finally, the remaining minimum amount to hire your coaches is factored into the used value until you have filled all of your openings.

Department - The department in which you would like to transfer funds from. This includes players, prospects, and coaches

Budget- The initial budget you have set at the beginning of the season. As you transfer excess funds this will be your adjusted budget.

Cash - This refers to any cash you have received via trades with other franchises and only applies to the player payroll.

Used- This is the amount of money you currently have allocated in each department. In regards to players, it includes all contracts that your players are currently under for the current season. For amateur draft and international prospects, it includes all signed prospects' bonus money. For coaches, it includes all signed contracts. In all three cases, it includes all outstanding contract offers. Used player payroll does not include any pending waiver claims or trade offers, so keep this in mind. If you drop your player payroll budget below the amount necessary to sign the waiver claim or complete the trade, the waiver claim will be ignored or the trade will be cancelled.

Available - This reflects the amount you have available to transfer. For players and coaches this is a direct reflection of the total budget subtracted from the total amount used. For prospects it works a little differently; if your used column is less than $6 million then it is the total budget minus $6 million. We do this so that you can fill your rookie league roster after the amateur draft. Alternatively, if your used column is greater than $6 million, you have already allocated your $6 million earmark so it is the total prospect budget subtracted from your allocated amount.

Transfer To - The department to which you want to transfer the excess funds.

Transfer Amount - The amount you would like to transfer. Each value is an even number starting at $2 million dollars up to the amount you have available as described above.

Adjusted Amount  - This is the adjusted amount of you selected transfer amount. The rate is 50% of the total transfer amount.

Forfeited Amount - The amount you will forfeit in order to transfer funds. The rate is 50% of the total transfer amount.

New Budget - This refers to the adjusted budget you would have if you were to transfer funds. It is calculated based on the selections you have chosen and is reflected immediately upon changing any values. It is not saved until you click the "Transfer" button.

New Available- This is the new amount you will have remaining calculated based on the selections you have chosen. It is updated as soon as you change any selected value.

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